.:O TURNO DA NOITE (TV - 2010)


I never thought about participate this job... It is a teaser trailer for a TV serie of a history based on a book of my favorite Brazilian writer André Vianco. The thing is: I met and I worked with him... It was such an honor once I´m his fan since I was 20.

.:Client: Criamundos / Seven
.:Director: André Vianco
.:Art Director: Carlos Malfatti
.:3D Artists: Rodrigo Henrique, Alan Ricardo, Felipe Bizzoto, Bruno Tassio, Fernando Augusto and Diego Munhoz Ferreira
.:Composition and VFX: Rodrigo Henrique
.:Softwares: 3ds Max, XSI, V-Ray, Fume FX and Nuke

I will post the entire teaser soon